48 research outputs found

    Building equitable literate futures : home and school computer-mediated literacy practices and disadvantage

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    This paper examines the complex connections between literacy practices, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and disadvantage. It reports the findings of a year-long study which investigated the ways in which four families use ICTs to engage with formal and informal literacy learning in home and school settings. The research set out to explore what it is about computer-mediated literacy practices at home and at school in disadvantaged communities that make a difference in school success. The findings demonstrate that the \u27socialisation\u27 of the technology - its appropriation into existing family norms, values and lifestyles - varied from family to family. Having access to ICTs at home was not sufficient for the young people and their families to overcome the so-called \u27digital divide\u27. Clearly, we are seeing shifts in the meaning of \u27disadvantage\u27 in a globalised world mediated by the use of new technologies. New definitions of disadvantage that take account not only of access to the new technologies but also include calibrated understandings of what constitutes the access are required. The article concludes that old inequalities have not disappeared, but are playing out in new ways in the context of the networked society.<br /

    Tendencias pedagógicas

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónMonográfico con el título: "Universidad expandida y TIC"Revisión del concepto de e-learning y un repaso de las principales tendencias sobre prácticas de alfabetización tecnológica crítica que interesan como marco de análisis de lo que hacen las escuelas y las universidades con la comunicación, la cultura, la percepción de los jóvenes y una actividad educativa más innovadora, y de cuál es su proyección en la sociedad contemporánea. Se basa en la corriente de New Literacy Studies (NLS) y el giro visual. Son: cambio de textos y prácticas, prácticas de alfabetización tecnológica en enseñanza formal e informal, nuevas formas culturales e innovación y cambio tecnológicamente mediados, y de cómo penetran en prácticas sociales y prácticas educativas universitarias.ES

    Estudios sobre e-learning, alfabetización en medios, aprendizaje y tecnología: desafíos y oportunidades. Artículo traducido y en versión original (Inglés).

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    This article reviews the concept of e-learning and an overview of major trends in critical technological literacy practices that concern as a framework for analysis of what makes schools and universities with communication, culture, youth scope and innovative educational activity, and what is its projection in contemporary society. It is based on the current New Literacy Studies (NLS) and the visual turn. They are: change of texts and practices, technological literacy practices in formal and informal education, new cultural forms and innovation and change technologically mediated, and how they enter in social and university educational practices.Este artículo realiza una revisión del concepto de e-learning y un repaso de las principales tendencias sobre prácticas de alfabetización tecnológica crítica que interesan como marco de análisis de lo que hacen las escuelas y las universidades con la comunicación, la cultura, la percepción de los jóvenes y una actividad educativa más innovadora, y de cuál es su proyección en la sociedad contemporánea. Se basa en la corriente de New Literacy Studies (NLS) y el giro visual. Son: cambio de textos y prácticas, prácticas de alfabetización tecnológica en enseñanza formal e informal, nuevas formas culturales e innovación y cambio tecnológicamente mediados, y de cómo penetran en prácticas sociales y prácticas educativas universitarias.

    Tara's Theme. "Digital Hemlock: Internet Education and the Poisoning of Teaching" by Tara Brabazon. [review]

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    Demonisers of technology have at least two things in common: they believe that computers are bad for us, and they often come up with catchy book titles. In the last chapter, Brabazon anticipates criticism. She tells us that her arguments could be framed as élitist and as an attempt nostalgically to hold on to an inappropriate model of education. But she is not so much élitist as extreme. Rather than an either/or position on the use of technology for teaching in higher education, a more balanced examination of the complex issues would be of greater use.Australia Council, La Trobe University, National Library of Australia, Holding Redlich, Arts Victori

    Antes, agora, adiante: hipertexto, letramento e mudança Then, now, next: hypertext, literacy and change

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    Este trabalho leva em consideração as complexas inter-relações entre hipertexto, letramento e mudanças na educação, começando com quatro histórias que lançam luz sobre alguns dos desafios enfrentados pelo campo da pesquisa em hipertexto, em especial, a tendência dos professores de leitura e escrita ao conservadorismo em suas práticas pedagógicas e a notável longevidade cultural do livro impresso. Este texto faz a seguinte pergunta: Como os que educam para o letramento poderiam fazer mais do que arrastarem-se resignadamente rumo ao futuro? Diversas sugestões são oferecidas: desenvolver uma linguagem comum para falar sobre as mudanças nas práticas de letramento associadas ao uso das novas mídias; identificar teorias que possam ajudar a explicar as mudanças nas práticas de letramento na era digital; sugerir um direcionamento para a terceira geração das pesquisas e dos desenvolvimentos teóricos sobre hipertexto. A primeira geração das pesquisas e dos desenvolvimentos teóricos sobre hipertexto produziu algumas ideias instigantes e elegantes, mas fez mais alegações do que as que se confirmaram depois. A segunda geração reexaminou o hipertexto, mas, dessa vez, no contexto ilimitado da internet. Em muitos casos, porém, essa geração apegou-se a ideias antigas, que já não faziam sentido no novo ambiente on-line. A terceira geração promete demonstrar o quão produtivo pode ser o cruzamento de fronteiras teóricas e disciplinares tradicionais em sua busca por novas formas de compreender o letramento on-line, capazes de substanciar o ensino e a aprendizagem.This paper considers the complex connections between hypertext, literacy and educational change. It begins with four stories that illuminate some of the challenges that confront the field of hypertext research: notably, literacy teachers' tendency to conservatism in their pedagogical practices and the remarkable cultural endurance of the printed book. The paper asks: How might literacy educators do more than shuffle into the future? A number of suggestions are offered: devise a common language to talk about the changes to literacy practices associated with the use of new media; identify theories that help explain the changes to literacy practices in the digital age; suggest a direction for the third generation of hypertext research and theory. The first generation of hypertext research and theory produced some elegant and evocative ideas but made too many claims. The second generation took another look at hypertext, but this time in the unbounded context of the internet. Too often, however, it clung to old ideas that no longer made sense in the new on-line environment. The third generation promises to demonstrate how productive it can be to traverse traditional disciplinary and theoretical boundaries in pursuit of new understandings of on-line literacy designed to inform teaching and learning

    Estudios sobre e-learning, alfabetización en medios, aprendizaje y tecnología: desafíos y oportunidades

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    This article reviews the concept of e-learning and an overview of major trends in critical technological literacy practices that concern as a framework for analysis of what makes schools and universities with communication, culture, youth scope and innovative educational activity, and what is its projection in contemporary society. It is based on the current New Literacy Studies (NLS) and the visual turn. They are: change of texts and practices, technological literacy practices in formal and informal education, new cultural forms and innovation and change technologically mediated, and how they enter in social and university educational practices.Este artículo realiza una revisión del concepto de e-learning y un repaso de las principales tendencias sobre prácticas de alfabetización tecnológica crítica que interesan como marco de análisis de lo que hacen las escuelas y las universidades con la comunicación, la cultura, la percepción de los jóvenes y una actividad educativa más innovadora, y de cuál es su proyección en la sociedad contemporánea. Se basa en la corriente de New Literacy Studies (NLS) y el giro visual. Son: cambio de textos y prácticas, prácticas de alfabetización tecnológica en enseñanza formal e informal, nuevas formas culturales e innovación y cambio tecnológicamente mediados, y de cómo penetran en prácticas sociales y prácticas educativas universitarias